Friday, February 28, 2014

Pride fest

If you ever have been to a pridefest then you know you are truly at home. I urge you, very strongly to get out there and meet those people. Unite with those other people just like you. Meet those great people out there. Pridefest isn't about being out of the closet, it's about being full of pride no matter how bad your situation is. It doesn't matter if there are scars on your arms, or if you can't even admit your sexual oreantation. Even if you aren't proud of yourself. I am proud of you. It doesn't matter who you are, how you live. I am proud of you for living each day and being different. Get out there and go meet the world. Not everyone is a horrible person. Please be proud of who you are. You are great, you are special, you are beautiful. Happy pride everyone.

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