Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Falling for your friend?

A lot of people ask "what if I'm in love with my best friend?". Having a crush on someone, let alone somebody you can't have is difficult. I know that, I had a crush on my best friend too. But I was lucky enough she fell for me right back. The problem is that you don't want to tell them, because you know that if you do, it could jeopardize your relationship. She may not be okay with that sort of thing. You really have two options. You could hold it in, and still have a best friend. Or you could let it all out, and put it on the table, telling her that you like her. It's a bit confusing on weather you should choose. But you really need to sit down and think, I can't make the decision for you.  But I can help you see both sides. In one hand shes still your best friend no-matter what, and maybe just maybe she could possibly have feelings for you too. On the other hand you tell her, and have a chance that she wont ever talk to you again, or maybe tell everyone else what you shared with her, but then again she could possibly have feelings for you to. Or you could hold it in, and drop little hints, like maybe you could try to show her you like her, without saying anything. I had a crush on my best friends for months, before we actually both confessed to having feelings for each other. It mostly depends on weather your friend is empathetic or understanding, and would still trust you after something like that. Every person is different, so I cannot tell you how they will react. Its a matter of personality. I hope I helped. peace out:)

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