Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Being gay, and in the closet is a strain. You have to refrain from exploding, because you feel like you can't tell a single person. Being out of the closet can be just as hard too. This is why gay people are more likely to commit suicide. And if that gay child was rejected by his/her parents, the chances go up. Being gay is stressful, it is hard. But there are a million people out there like you, and a lot of them have made it through the tough times. And so can you! The important thing is to never give up. Never let your emotions get the best of you, and remain genuine to who you are. If you aren't who you wanted to be, then keep trying. be the person you've always wanted to be .Follow your dreams, and never ever ever, let anyone tell you that you can't. You are your own person, so be who you want to be, not what people want you to be. Be yourself. And be true to who you are:)

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