Monday, June 17, 2013

The pressure of holding it in.

You need to be your own person, no-matter how many people try to change you. They aren't you, so they cant try to change you. You are special, and nothing can take that away. There is always the pressure of holding in your feelings. Not coming out, crushing on a friend. But its your choice to come out or stay in. If you stay in the pressure builds and you get hurt more. But if you come out, then you have a chance of getting hurt majorly, and then maybe that'll get better. If you want to come out, or to make the pressure smaller but not to your family, friends ect. Then you should really find somebody you trust, a teacher, a friend, anybody. And come out to them. Its a bit off your chest. But you have to know that you can trust them. WITH ANYTHING. And if you don't have somebody like that, then you should find somebody. You have social networking at your fingertips. Just be careful. Hope I helped:)

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