Saturday, June 15, 2013

In the closet because of your homophobic family?

You don't have to come out until your ready, technically you never do actually have to come out. But if your like me, and it hurts to hold it in. Then why not come out? I'm not you, so I cannot tell you what you want, but if your not comfortable with coming out, nobody is forcing you. You can hold it in, or maybe when you move out, you can tell them. But this is honestly a touchy topic, and If you want to come out, you have to be sure of it. You have to know what you want. Now this may be confusing, and you may feel stuck. But I held it in for too long, and I was bullied so bad, with no help from anyone, because they didn't know. It is really important to get it out sometime, maybe if you cant to you family. You could go on to daily strength you can join any sort of support group, gay, lesbian, anxiety, drug abuse, anything. And when I was confused this kind of helped me. But if you feel alone remember you aren't alone, ever. There are so many people out there like you. And just wanting to tell you there story. So get connected, swap advice. It really helps. Follow me on twitter @alonakathryn

thanks for reading, keep your head up. And stay strong.

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